BEAD Marketing is Actually Required… So Do it RIGHT!

The Broadband, Equity, Access & Deployment Program (BEAD) is part of President Biden’s infrastructure investment in the US. Specifically, $42.5 billion is being invested in better broadband for US citizens who are unserved or underserved with broadband service in the United States. provides federal funding to make grants to Eligible Entities for broadband planning, deployment, mapping, equity, and adoption projects and activities.

The BEAD program defines unserved for broadband internet as less than 25/3 Mbps download/upload speeds. Underserved, also a concern and to be addressed with BEAD are homes with connections less than 100 Mbps upload and 20 Mbps download speeds.

BEAD is overseen by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, part of the US Department of Commerce. Every State and US territory is being given the responsibility to distribute funds to “sub grantees” and being directed to follow strict guidelines according to guidelines issued by the NTIA. Visit to better understand each State and much they’re receiving in BEAD broadband investment.

One such requirement is that marketing/outreach muscle be put behind each and every BEAD broadband investment. We talk about the requirements on this website.

Eligible Entities shall require subgrantees to carry out public awareness campaigns in their service areas that are designed to highlight the value and benefits of broadband service in order to increase the adoption of broadband service by consumers.

Each and every state and territory will be publishing requirements to subgrantee recipients in the coming weeks and months. Instead of simply having plans to broadcast your speeds and price points, make sure your BEAD marketing talks about the benefits of your new broadband service to ensure that you drive take rates (adoption) and capture your market! Make sure you reach out during your BEAD application proccess to make sure you stay in compliance – our broadband marketing professionals are here to help.

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